Arizona Citizens Defense League

Protecting Your Freedom

If you want to protect your Right to Keep and Bear Arms in Arizona, then you want to join the Arizona Citizens Defense League (AzCDL)

Educational Resources

Arizona Specific

Arizona Constitution, Article Two – Declaration of Rights
Arizona Court of Appeals – Dano v. Collins
(Upholds concealed carry prohibition)
Arizona Court of Appeals – State v. Adams
(Weapon hidden from “ordinary observation” is concealed)
Arizona Court of Appeals – State v. Chavez
(“Citizen’s Arrest” can apply to non-felony breach of peace)
Arizona Court of Appeals – State v. Moerman
(Conveyance used to carry weapon must put others on notice that you are armed)
Arizona Supreme Court – State v. Gant
(Warrantless search of arrestee’s car)
Arizona Supreme Court – State v. Serna
(Reasonable suspicion of criminal activity required before frisking)
Arizona Attorney General Opinion 113-010
(Violation of State Preemption by Tucson)
Firearm Rights Restoration in Arizona
by Melissa Clark (Expungement Attorney)
From Idea … To Bill … To Law: The Legislative Process In Arizona
by Sen. Randall Gnant
Some Explicitly Guaranteed Rights Are More Fundamental Than Others: The Right to Bear Arms in Arizona
by Jerod E. Tufte

Get The Free Ebook That Reveals The 5 Things Every Responsible Gun Owner Ought To Know!

Federal Court Cases

AZ v. Johnson (U.S. Supreme Court)
Brendlin v. California (U.S. Supreme Court)
DC v. Heller (U.S. Supreme Court)
McDonald v. Chicago (U.S. Supreme Court)
Nordyke v. King (U.S. Court of Appeals)
Parker v. District of Columbia (U.S. Court of Appeals)
US v. Emerson (U.S. 5th Circuit Court of Appeals)
US v. Emerson (U.S. District, Texas Northern)

General interest

Gun Facts by Guy Smith.  A book debunking gun control myths. Updated yearly.
The Racist Roots of Gun Control by Clayton Cramer
The Right to Keep and Bear Arms: A Right to Self-Defense Against Criminals and Despots
by Robert Dowlut
Congress Interprets The Second Amendment: Declarations By A Co-Equal Branch On The Individual Right To Keep And Bear Arms by Stephen P. Halbrook
Second-Class Citizenship and the Second Amendment in the District of Columbia by Stephen P. Halbrook
The Jurisprudence of the Second and Fourteenth Amendments by Stephen P. Halbrook
”Personal Security, Personal Liberty, and The Constitutional Right to Bear Arms: Visions of the Framers of the Fourteenth Amendment by Stephen P. Halbrook
What the Framers Intended: A Linguistic Analysis of the Right to Bear Arms by Stephen P. Halbrook
Guns, Murders, and the Constitution by Don B. Kates, Jr.
The Lost History of the Ninth Amendment (I): The Lost Original Meaning by Prof. Kurt Lash
Crime, Deterrence, and Right-To-Carry Concealed Handguns by John R. Lott, Jr. and David B. Mustard
Multiple Victim Public Shootings by John R. Lott, Jr. and William M. Landes
A Primer on the Constitutional Right to Keep and Bear Arms by Nelson Lund
A Critical Guide to the Second Amendment by Glenn Harlan Reynolds
A Reply To Advocates of Gun-Control Law by Jonathan A. Weiss

Activism Tools

“Today I am doing business with your establishment” business card templates.
For use with Avery 8376 or equivalent business card stock.
PDF (Adobe Acrobat)

“No Guns = No Money” business card templates (front and back); PDF files.
For use with Avery 8376 or equivalent business card stock – print on both sides.