What’s the Biggest Threat to Your Right to Keep and Bear Arms?

by | Oct 8, 2024 | News & Alerts | 0 comments

HINT: It’s not whoever is elected the next president

With all the attention on national elections, it’s easy to get caught up in the political gamesmanship and lose sight of the impact of local elections. Of course, it’s good to have a federal administration that is friendly to your right to keep and bear arms, but the bigger threat to that freedom is right here in Arizona.

For the last 5 years, Arizona State Representative Jennifer Longdon has introduced a dozen or more bills each session that would restrict your right to keep and bear arms, everything from repealing Constitutional Carry to reintroducing a “duty to retreat” when your home is invaded by criminals.

The only thing that stopped Longdon’s anti-gun agenda was having a pro-rights majority in the state House of Representatives and state Senate. Leadership in each chamber were able to kill these bills before they saw the light of day.

A new generation of anti-rights leaders has stepped forward

Now that Representative Longdon has resigned from the legislature, a new group of politicians is looking to continue her work and further restrict your rights.

Senator Flavio Bravo will be taking point on gun regulation in the next legislative session and the list of bills he plans to introduce reads like Everytown for Gun Safety’s wildest dreams. “Safe storage” requirements carrying a $1,000 fine for violations, confiscating guns from people under a restraining order without due process or a conviction, requiring health care providers to educate firearm owners on gun safety at a cost to taxpayers of over a quarter million dollars, repeal of the Castle Doctrine which would require you to flee from your home or business rather than defend yourself, and much more.

We must maintain a pro-rights majority in the Arizona House and Arizona Senate in order to protect our right to keep and bear arms

Our vehemently anti-gun governor will sign any rights-restricting gun bill that reaches her desk. And to make sure that happens, she has allocated over $2 million to “flip” two seats in the legislature. Two seats is all she needs to destroy everything we’ve worked for over the last 19 years.

Don’t forget “down ballot” candidates in November

Of course you should vote for the federal officials that best represent your interests but don’t forget the state and local officials that can have even more impact on our daily lives.

Support the state representatives and senators that support your right to keep and bear arms!

Click here to view your elected official’s voting records on the AzCDL website: <https://www.votervoice.net/BroadcastLinks/z84zNstseGS65mC84aMHJQ>