Arizona Citizens Defense League
Protecting Your Freedom
Arizona’s future depends on YOU. Join AzCDL TODAY to protect your right to keep and bear arms.
AzCDL Window Decals are free with memberships.
Existing members can request a replacement by contacting treasurer@azcdl.org
To make a donation CLICK HERE
Life Membership
$500.00 -
Family Membership
$90.00 -
Sustaining Annual Membership
$60.00 -
Basic Annual Membership
$40.00 -
Make a Donation
AzCDL Wallet Card – Recruiter Kit
$3.00 -
AzCDL Wallet Cards – 100 Cards
$25.00 -
Constitutional Carry Gold Card
$1.00 -
AzCDL Cloisonné Lapel Pin
$7.00 -
$5.00 -
AzCDL iron-on Patch
$5.00 -
$18.00 -
AzCDL T-Shirt New Shirts!
$15.00 -
AzCDL Dress Shirt
$39.00 -
Free Attorneys On Retainer Brochure
Free Ebook Reveals…
The 5 Things Every Responsible Gun Owner Ought To Know!
- The decision to keep and bear arms is a serious one. It is also a decision that necessarily comes with great responsibility.
- All gun owners are required to know and follow the law. As you have heard many times, ignorance of the law is no excuse.
- Especially in cases involving firearms, you would be well served to study the law, and to think about its application before carrying, or even owning, a firearm.