AzCDL Does NOT Give Political Endorsements!

It has come to our attention that a list of “recommended or endorsed” candidates was sent out on July 20 by a group calling itself “AZCDL PAC” or “AZ CDL PAC”. We once again want to remind everyone that the Arizona Citizens Defense League does NOT endorse ANY...

Arizona Legislature Voting Records

2020 is an election year.  The Arizona State primary elections are on August 4, 2020. Wonder how your Arizona State legislators have honored their oath of office? AzCDL has posted the voting records of all state legislators on key pro-rights firearms bills for the...

Front Sight Fall Training

You are invited to join AzCDL on our outing to Front Sight’s Nevada facility  from September 11 through 14 when Front Sight is offering a 4 Day Defensive Handgun class.  Information about this class, along with others that are offered, can be found at Front Sight’s...

Attorneys on Retainer

For the law-abiding, the heaviest thing about a firearm is the responsibility that comes with it.  If you carry a firearm, you already accepted the responsibility of defending yourself and loved ones.  However, carrying a firearm increases your odds of an interaction...