Governor signs RKBA “Sanctuary” Legislation

On April 6, 2021 Governor Ducey signed HB 2111, the AzCDL supported legislation defending Arizona’s Right to Keep and Bear Arms (RKBA) from federal overreach. HB 2111 states that, pursuant to the sovereign authority of Arizona and Article 2, Section 3 of the...

Legislative Update

Legislative Update Friday, March 26, was the deadline for Senate bills to be heard in House committees and House bills to be heard in Senate committees.  The following pro-rights bills failed to meet that deadline. HB 2827, which would have prohibited business or...

Legislative Update

A list of firearms related bills we are monitoring this session can be found on AzCDL’s Bill Tracking page. This coming Friday, March 26, is the deadline for Senate bills to be heard in House committees and House bills to be heard in Senate committees.  The...