Legislative Update

Friday, February 19, was the deadline for bills to be heard in committees in their originating chamber (House or Senate).  All the bills we opposed failed to meet the deadline and are dead for the session.  Gone are red flag confiscations, universal background checks,...

RTS Action Alert – February 17 Committee Hearings

On Wednesday, February 17, HB 2827 and HB 2840 are scheduled for a 9 AM hearing in the House Judiciary Committee.  At 2 PM, HB 2810 is scheduled for hearing in the House Criminal Justice Reform Committee. HB 2810 is proposed Civil Asset Forfeiture reform legislation...

Arizona rated best state for gun owners – again!

In the February 2021 issue of Guns and Ammo, Arizona is rated the best state for gun owners.  This is the EIGHTH consecutive year Guns and Ammo magazine has rated Arizona as the #1 state for gun owners. Arizona’s #1 rating is primarily because of what AzCDL has...

Legislative Update

We’re now three weeks into the 2021 Arizona legislation session.  The number of bills filed has climbed to over 1,400.  Key bills that AzCDL is monitoring, and their status, can be found on our Bill Tracking page.  It is updated daily.  The final day for Senators to...