Arizona Citizens Defense League
Protecting Your Freedom
If you want to protect your Right to Keep and Bear Arms in Arizona, then you want to join the Arizona Citizens Defense League (AzCDL)
News Archives
March 17, 2020 | |
Online Candidate Petitions. 2020 is an election year. The primary for Arizona state level candidates on August 4 and the general election will be on November 3, 2020. Candidates for political office in Arizona need to gather over 500 signatures to get on the ballot. The deadline for candidates to file their petitions is April 6, 2020 at 5 PM. You can help your favorite candidates get there without having to leave home. The easiest way you can help candidates of your choice is to sign their campaign petition online using the Arizona Secretary of State’s E-Qual system. Click on the “Sign a Candidate Nomination Petition” and follow instructions. After providing information to verify your existing voter registration and current address you will be directed to a page of available candidate petitions that you can sign. A few mouse clicks and you’re done. Please remember to ask your spouse and family members to sign also. |
March 14, 2020 | |
Legislative Update. For firearms related legislation, the 2020 legislative session is effectively over. We thank everyone who has contacted your legislators this session. You made a difference. Over two dozen bills attacking your right to keep and bear arms were stopped early in the session. Gone are the red flag bills, assault weapons ban, bump stock ban, universal background checks, ammunition storage requirements, doctors inquiring about your firearms ownership, prohibited possessor expansion, and more. Unfortunately, of the handful of pro-rights firearms bills that were filed this session only two managed to survive the first committee hearing deadline. One of those, SB 1664 failed to pass out of the Senate. SB 1664 would have made government entities that establish gun-free zones liable for damages because of their disarmament policy. What remains is HCR 2033, a resolution that the members of the Arizona Legislature reaffirm their support for your right to keep and bear arms. HCR 2033 passed out of House by a 58-2 vote. Ironically, thirteen of the bills filed this session attacking your right to keep and bear arms were also filed in the House. So much for taking their oath of office to uphold the Constitutions of the United States and Arizona seriously. Since HCR 2033 is non-binding and unenforceable, we don’t expect to see much opposition to it in the Senate. To view the status of key legislation that AzCDL is monitoring this session, visit our Bill Tracking page. The Arizona legislature is on the cusp of one or both chambers being controlled by an anti-rights majority. The House of Representatives has a razor thin Republican majority of one vote. In the Senate, it’s 3 votes. And, being Republican does not necessarily mean pro-rights. One of the red flag laws introduced this session, SB 1164, was sponsored by a Republican Senator and supported by Arizona’s Republican Governor. And, four Senate Republicans voted with the Democrats to defeat the pro-rights SB 1664. Voter apathy may enable one or both chambers to flip to anti-rights control in the November election, paving the way for bills attacking your rights to zoom through the legislature and land on the desk of a Governor very likely to sign them into law. However, it does look like Arizona gun owners are becoming more aware. In February, thousands attended the Second Amendment Rally in Phoenix. In past years, attendance was in the low hundreds. In February, we also experienced a surge of over 500 new members joining AzCDL, bringing our membership to over 17,000. If you are one of the several hundred who joined or renewed your membership over the last month or so, please bear with us. Our volunteers have been working overtime to process your membership applications and mail the items you ordered. We expect to clear our February membership card backlog in the coming week. Items purchased from our online store may take a little longer. T-shirts are on back order and will take longer. |
March 7, 2020 | |
Legislative Update. On Thursday, March 5, SB 1664 failed to pass out of the Senate, because four Republican Senators, Paul Boyer, Kate Brophy McGee, Heather Carter, and Frank Pratt joined with the Democrats to vote to defeat the bill. This legislation would impose civil liability on Arizona state and local government entities for persons harmed by criminal conduct in a “gun free” zone when the person harmed could have been helped by being able to possess a firearm. Senators Brophy McGee and Carter are also the co-sponsors of SB 1164, the Red Flag firearms confiscation bill supported by Governor Ducey, which failed to meet the February 21 committee hearing deadline. In other news, HCR 2033, a resolution affirming the Legislature’s support of your right to keep and bear arms, passed out of the House on March 5 by a 58-2 vote and was sent to the Senate where the debate and vote process starts all over. The two House members voting against HCR 2033, and in essence their oath of office, are Representatives Pamela Powers Hannley and Athena Salman. The next critical deadline for legislation is just a few weeks away on March 27. That’s when all remaining House bills must be heard in Senate committees and vice versa. |
February 22, 2020 | |
Legislative Update. Friday, February 21 was the deadline for all bills to be heard in committees in their originating chamber (House or Senate). With over fifteen hundred bills filed, not many met that deadline. Only 5 of the 38 bills we’re monitoring on our Bill Tracking page have survived. All of the over two dozen bills we opposed are dead for the session. Gone are the red flag bills, assault weapons ban, bump stock ban, universal background checks, ammunition storage requirements, doctors inquiring about your firearms ownership, prohibited possessor expansion, etc. However, don’t think we won’t see them again. Many of these have been filed year-after-year for several years. The House of Representatives has a razor thin pro-rights majority of one vote. In the Senate, it’s 3 votes. Unless Arizona gun owners wake up, we’re likely to see one or both chambers flip to anti-rights control in the November election, paving the way for bills like these to zoom through the legislature and land on the desk of a Governor very likely to sign them into law. Still in play this session are the following pro-rights bills. HCR 2033, a resolution that the members of the Arizona Legislature reaffirm their support for your right to keep and bear arms. You’d think this would be a slam dunk because they all swore an oath to uphold the Constitutions of the United States and Arizona. Sadly, prior versions of this resolution have failed to pass. Apparently too many politicians view their oath of office as merely a box to check before getting the fancy title, perks and power over the rights and freedoms of Arizona’s citizens. SB 1556, civil asset forfeiture reform. Would require a criminal conviction in order for the government to confiscate someone’s property. SB 1664 would make most government entities that establish gun-free zones liable for damages to anyone harmed because they were not able to defend themselves. As early as next week, the rubber meets the road. These bills should soon be scheduled for a Committee of the Whole debate in the House or Senate. We will be asking you to send an email, that we have prepared for you, to your legislators using AzCDL’s Legislative Action Center. In other news, we thank everyone who made the Second Amendment Rally in Phoenix on February 15 a huge success. We’re hearing that over 3,000 attended. Several hundred attendees joined or renewed their AzCDL membership at the rally. We ask that you bear with us on getting your new membership cards to you. We’re all volunteers. We work from home. No fancy offices or warehouse. We will get a membership card to you, but it will take several weeks. Congratulations go to brand new AzCDL member Jeff B. who received the winning raffle ticket for a Ruger EC9s pistol with his membership. Keep your keyboards warm and get ready to contact your Arizona Senators and Representatives! |
February 20, 2020 | |
Front Sight Spring Fling. You are invited to join AzCDL members on our outing to Front Sight’s Nevada facility from Friday April 24 through Monday 27 to attend a 4 Day Defensive Handgun class. Information about these classes, along with others that are offered, can be found at Front Sight’s website. After making your course reservations, please contact Duke at americanicon@cox.net who will work with Front Sight to ensure AzCDL participants train on the same ranges. If you do not have a Front Sight membership or single class certificate, AzCDL has access to steeply discounted all-inclusive Front Sight memberships. If you are interested, contact Fred, AzCDL’s Treasurer, at treasurer@azcdl.org. If you have not attended a Front Sight class this year, they will charge you an additional fee to perform a background check. Because Front Sight trains several thousand students every year, and the Spring months provide a better climate, classes and hotels fill up fast. Each student is expected to make their own course and hotel reservations. The Wine Ridge Resort, the Best Western and the Saddle West in Pahrump offer discounted rates for AzCDL Front Sight students. To learn more about what to expect during your visit to Front Sight, along with information about gear to bring, ordering lunches, etc. please check out: https://www.frontsight.com/FirearmTraining/front-sight.asp. |
February 12, 2020 | |
AzCDL Statement on SB 1625. SB 1625 (assault weapons; magazines; prohibition; registration) was introduced in the Arizona State Senate on Wednesday, February 5 and assigned to the Judiciary Committee. The bill is designed to be an egregious threat to our Right to Keep and Bear Arms, and is similar to bills introduced across the nation. Promoted by the various astroturf groups under the umbrella of anti-rights billionaire Mike Bloomberg (e.g. Moms Demand Action, Everytown for Gun Safety, etc.), the bill would ban “assault weapons” and “large capacity” magazines. The language of the bill is so broad that nearly all semi-automatic firearms ever produced would be covered, as well as any ammunition feeding device “with the capacity to accept more than ten rounds”, which, again, means pretty much all of them. We listed the bill on our Bill Tracking Page immediately, along with several others introduced by the same group of gun grabbers. These bills were also referenced in our recent Legislative Update Alert. However, in a demonstration of the power of social media, when a YouTube video appeared warning everyone of dire consequences should this bill see the light of day, the Internet lit up. While we certainly appreciate the efforts of all members of the firearms community to call attention to truly awful bills such as this, it may have saved some time had folks reached out to us here at AzCDL to begin with. We’ve been tracking legislation here in Arizona for fifteen years now, and we have a pretty good read on what is and isn’t likely to move. And, as bad as this bill is, we knew from the start it was unlikely to be going anywhere. However, to err on the side of caution, AzCDL has reached out to the Senate Leadership to clarify the status of this gun grabber’s wish list. Senate Majority Whip Sonny Borelli (R – Dist 5) assured us that the bill has no future. He shared the following: ”I am adamantly opposed to the bill sponsored by Democrat Senator Rios from Legislative District 27. The Chairman (of Judiciary) assures me that the bill will not be heard in Committee.” Though we are assured the bill will not move, we encourage everyone who values their rights to continue to contact the Senators who sponsored this abomination, especially if you live in one of their districts. Politely inform them of your position on it, and anti-rights bills in general. Many of these folks seem to believe that these kinds of bills have popular support. It’s up to us to prove them wrong. SB 1625 is sponsored by: Having a pro-rights majority matters, and here in Arizona, that majority is hanging by a thread. The next election is not far away, and the outcome could well mean the difference between bills like SB 1625 moving or not. As we’re fond of reminding people, “If you want better laws, elect better lawmakers”. Mike Bloomberg and his cronies will be spending heavily, here in Arizona and across the country, to get more anti-rights people, like those who sponsored this bill, into office. We must NOT let that happen. Sitting on the sidelines is simply not an option. What’s been happening in Virginia and other states must be a lesson to us all. We can rush headlong down the road to tyranny, or we can maintain our status as “The best state for gun owners” into the foreseeable future. The choice is yours. |
February 8, 2020 | |
Legislative Update. We’re now over 3 weeks into the Arizona legislative session. Over 1,500 bills have been filed. Monday, February 3, was the Senate deadline for bills to be filed. The House deadline is this coming Monday, February 10. Relevant bills that AzCDL is tracking, and their status, are on our Bill Tracking page. Over two dozen bills have been filed to restrict your right to keep and bear arms, mainly by Democrats. Most are duplicates of bills that are filed year after year. Four of those bills, HB 2322, HB 2545, HB 2546 and HCR 2018, would outlaw private firearms transfers that don’t go through an FFL. There are three “red flag” firearms confiscation bills, HB 2321, SB 1164 and SB 1626. There’s also a bump stock ban, an “assault” weapons ban, and even a bill requiring doctors to lecture patients on the “risks” of firearm ownership. We encourage you to review our Bill Tracking page for the full list of these bills. With your help, we can defeat them before they get to the Governor. On the plus side, there are five Republican sponsored bills, supported by AzCDL, that are aimed at protecting your rights. HB 2093 (Leo Baisiucci – LD 5) – Would make any act, law, treaty, order, rule or regulation of the U.S. government that violates the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution null, void and unenforceable in Arizona. Prohibits political subdivisions from using any personnel or financial resources to enforce, administer or cooperate with any act, law, treaty, order, rule or regulation of the U.S. government that violates the Second Amendment. HB 2721 (Bob Thorpe – LD 6) – Unless prohibited by the owner or the owner’s agent, firearms possession would be allowed in a building or structure that is a “public accommodation,” which is defined as “owned or operated by a religious organization, association or society, a nonprofit institution or organization that is operated, supervised or controlled by or in conjunction with a religious organization, association or society or a public or private hotel, restaurant, theater or museum.” The owner or the owner’s agent of a public accommodation would not be liable for the acts of a person “who is otherwise justified in using deadly physical force” pursuant to ARS Chapter 4. HCR 2033 (Frank Carroll LD – 22) – A resolution that the members of the Arizona Legislature “reaffirm their commitment to support and defend the rights and liberties of the citizens of Arizona as guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of Arizona, including the right to keep and bear arms as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States” and “encourage all citizens of Arizona to support and defend their right to keep and bear arms as guaranteed by the Constitutions of the United States and the State of Arizona.” SB 1664 (David Gowan – LD 14) – Would make government entities that establish gun-free zones liable for damages by anyone harmed because they were unable to defend themselves. SB 1665 (David Gowan – LD 14) – Would reduce the penalty to a class 3 misdemeanor for being armed in a polling place, or a state or local government facility that bans firearms. Currently the penalty is a class 1 misdemeanor. We’re closely watching the progress of all legislation, good and bad. In order to proceed all bills must be reviewed and debated in committees in their originating chamber (House or Senate) by February 21. With over 1,500 bills already in the pipeline, many bills will not meet that deadline. |
February 2, 2020 | |
Invitation from the Second Amendment Foundation – Town Hall Meeting in Phoenix – February 16 Join us for a Town Hall Meeting to build the Second Amendment Family. Join us to stress the importance of firearms for self-defense. Building public support of all gun owners is critical in the on-going challenge to keep these rights. This is where you come in. We want — no, we need you to join us. Bring your friends, neighbors, and family members. Bring anyone who will benefit from learning more our valued right to keep and bear arms. Circle Sunday, February 16, 2 to 4 in the afternoon on your calendar. Come to the Second Amendment Family Town Hall meeting in Phoenix, at the Sheridan Crescent Hotel, 2620 West Dunlap Avenue, Phoenix, Arizona 85021. At the Town Hall Meeting, you will:
The Town Hall Meeting will be filmed and recorded for a future nation-wide webcast. We will be spreading our message around the country. We will let other people and politicians know of our support for the Second Amendment. We want to get all gun rights advocates, including the silent majority among us, to start showing our support for this Constitutional right. This is your chance to become a Second Amendment First Responder on national television! RSVP – ASAP to AlanGottlieb@SAF.org. Your assignment, bring a friend who doesn’t own guns or does some hunting but avoids the gun debate. We have room for just 200 so it will fill up fast. We’ll have some great snacks, a maple sugar gift to take home and plenty of soft drinks. |
January 31, 2010 | |
Arizona Second Amendment Sanctuary County Meetings. We received word that next week both Apache and Yavapai County Boards of Supervisors are meeting on resolutions to declare their Counties as Second Amendment Sanctuaries. The Apache County Board of Supervisors is meeting on Tuesday, February 4 at the County Annex Building, 75 West Cleveland Street, St. Johns, Arizona. The meeting starts at 8:30 AM. The agenda has not yet been posted but it is our understanding that District III Supervisor, Travis Simshauser has submitted a “consent” resolution for the Board to declare Apache County as a Second Amendment Sanctuary County. The meeting is open to the public. The Yavapai County Board of Supervisors is meeting on Wednesday, February 5 to vote on a Resolution to declare Yavapai County a “Second Amendment Sanctuary.” The hearing will be held at 1015 Fair Street in the Yavapai County building in Prescott Arizona. The meeting starts at 9 AM. If you are interested in organizing to make your City or County a Second Amendment Sanctuary, please contact Drake Mitchell, Second Amendment City, County and Reservation Movement coordinator, at az2amovement@gmail.com. The Arizona Second Amendment Sanctuary movement is gaining momentum and now has its own website: https://www.az2a.org/. Are you on Facebook? Please visit their Facebook Page (https://www.facebook.com/AZ2AMovement/) and give it a “Like.” |
January 25, 2020 | |
Legislative Update. We’re now two weeks into the 2020 Arizona legislation session. Over 1,000 bills have been filed. Key bills that AzCDL is monitoring, and their status, can be found on our Bill Tracking page. It’s updated daily during the session. This past week, we’ve seen a few more anti-rights bills filed. SB 1248 would nullify “no duty to retreat” in the statutes justifying the use of deadly force for self-defense. SB 1263 would eliminate the Game and Fish Recommendation Board, setting the stage for the appointment of political ideologues determined to end hunting and fishing in Arizona. SB 1286 is another proposed Bump Stock ban. There are now 20 bills filed attacking your right to keep and bear arms. We’re watching them closely. |
January 20, 2020 | |
Legislative Update. The 2020 Arizona legislative session officially convened on Monday, January 13. By the end of the first week almost 900 bills have been filed. We’re anticipating hundreds more to be filed. The final day for Senators to file bills is Monday, February 3. For the House, the final deadline is Monday February 10. AzCDL researches all proposed legislation for language that may impact our right to keep and bear arms. Relevant bills, and their status, will appear on our Bill Tracking page. It’s updated daily during the session. We encourage you to visit the page often. In addition to providing links and basic information on legislation, we add our position along with plain language summaries. So far, Democrats have introduced over a dozen bills that would negatively impact our right to keep and bear arms. Four of those bills, HB 2322, HB 2545, HB 2546, and HCR 2018, would outlaw private firearms transfers that don’t go through an FFL. HB 2545 goes so far as to categorize private transfers as illegal “trafficking.” Two “Red Flag” firearms confiscation bills have been filed so far. HB 2321 is the Democrat version, and closely resembles Governor Ducey’s “STOP Order” firearms confiscation proposal from two years ago. Meanwhile, Republican Senators Kate Brophy McGee and Heather Carter have filed their version of firearms confiscation legislation (SB 1164) that allows for telephonic approval and requires judges to be available 24 hours a day to sign orders to seize your firearms. |
January 13, 2020 | |
Second Amendment Rally – February 15. Riders USA is sponsoring their annual “Celebrate & Protect the 2nd Amendment” rally on Saturday, February 15 at the Arizona State Capitol between 10 AM and 2 PM. Speakers this year include:
More information can be found on the Riders USAメs Rally website and their Facebook page. Bring your family and friends. A motorcycle procession will start from Encanto Park to the State Capitol to open the event. Click here to register for the rally. While you are there, stop by the AzCDL recruiting table. Join or renew your AzCDL membership at the rally and receive a $10 discount. It’s almost like getting paid to attend. |
January 11, 2020 | |
Yavapai 2A Sanctuary County Hearing – Recap. The following is a recap, courtesy of AzCDL PAC Chairman Drake Mitchell, of the Yavapai County Board of Supervisor hearing on a resolution to make the County a Second Amendment Sanctuary… The place is Prescott, Arizona in 30 degree temperatures on 2nd of January 2020 at approximately 8:45 AM as I picked up the last of the “Request to Speak” (RTS) forms from the people assembled outside. The Board of Supervisors ran out of RTS forms and we had to continually go back for 10 to 15 at a time that they would print up. Then we would hand out and pick up the RTS forms. By 8:05 AM it was a standing room only crowd in the Board of Supervisors meeting room. By 8:15 AM the lobby was full, with people shoulder to shoulder, and the crowd had started to go around the building. By approximately 8:45 AM I was told the County had opened another room that filled up immediately. The line of people outdoors went past the building by 20 yards. Many never got into the building. Yet they stood out in the cold, watching the hearing on their phones as it was simulcast. Many stayed outside for over two hours until enough people who had already spoken had left. Most of the self-identified anti-rights, anti-constitution, pro-Red Flag and Gun Confiscation crowd left immediately after hearing their organizers speak. Those people who left made room for believers in Liberty and the Bill of Rights to get inside to speak. It was a heartwarming experience. My thanks to John, Rose and Myrna for the motivation and energy to get this Second Amendment Sanctuary County Movement started, to Sheriff Richard Mack of the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association (CSPOA), and the Arizona Citizens Defense League for their support of this grass roots effort to help get out the word about the event. I would also like to thank the folks who came out at zero dark thirty to stand in the cold, support our rights, and have their voices heard. It’s rural Arizona and some folks drove for hours to get into Prescott. With the overwhelmingly strong showing of support, the Yavapai County Board of Supervisors tabled their original idea for a proclamation. Our hope is that they will either come back with a resolution to protect against Governor Ducey’s Red Flag Laws, or an ordinance that would criminalize the enforcement of state or Federal laws that violate the U.S. Constitution, the Arizona Constitution, or the citizens’ right to due process under the law. |
January 7, 2020 | |
Arizona Second Amendment Sanctuaries. The 2020 Arizona legislative session will officially get underway in less than 10 days on Monday, January 13, 2020. We face a very challenging session. The Legislature has razor thin Republican majorities. Governor Ducey has pledged to renew his push for “red flag” firearms confiscation legislation. His proposal would create civil proceedings to forcibly confiscate your firearms, based on dubious claims from disgruntled family members, school officials, etc. with virtually no recourse or appeal. This year, the Second Amendment Sanctuary movement can help us get the attention of the Governor and Legislature. This nationwide grassroots movement is letting politicians everywhere know that attacking our rights is not a good idea. In early November, Mohave County passed a resolution declaring the county as a Second Amendment Sanctuary. On Thursday, January 2, the Yavapai County Board of Supervisors debated a resolution to designate the county as a Second Amendment Sanctuary. Hundreds of pro-rights activists attended and signed up to speak on behalf of the resolution. After hearing testimony, the Board decided their resolution needing strengthening and tabled it for a re-write and re-introduction. To be continued…. The Second Amendment Sanctuary movement is gaining momentum in Arizona. We’re hearing from activists all over the state. The more locations that stand up for the Second Amendment, the louder the message to the Governor and Legislature. AzCDL is here to help. If you want to get involved in making your town, city, county or reservation a Second Amendment Sanctuary, please contact Drake Mitchell at mitchell2006@hotmail.com or (928) 451-1697. |
December 27, 2019 | |
Call to Action! Yavapai County 2A Sanctuary Hearing January 2, 2020. The Yavapai County Board of Supervisors is meeting on Thursday, January 2, 2020 to debate and vote on a resolution to declare Yavapai County a “Second Amendment Sanctuary.” The hearing will be held at 1015 Fair Street in the Yavapai County building in Prescott Arizona. The meeting starts at 9 AM. Please plan on being there before 8:15 AM to get a seat. If you are unable to drive to Prescott for the meeting, you can also view the meeting at the Yavapai County Annex at 10 S. 6th Street in Cottonwood where you’ll be able to view the proceeding and provide oral and written comments. Whether or not you can attend, we ask that you to contact the Yavapai Board of Supervisors and urge them to support the resolution to make Yavapai County a Second Amendment Sanctuary. We need to fill the room with Yavapai County Second Amendment supporters! A local “Progressive” group, Prescott Indivisible, in a Facebook post dated December 19, is encouraging their followers to attend and speak out against the resolution. If you are interested in organizing to make your county a Second Amendment Sanctuary, please contact Drake Mitchell, AzCDL’s Political Action Committee Director, at mitchell3006@hotmail.com. |
October 26, 2019 | |
Arizona rated best state for gun owners – 7 years in a row! For the SEVENTH consecutive year Guns and Ammo magazine has rated Arizona as the #1 state for gun owners. The ratings are published in their November 2019 issue. Click here to view a copy of the ratings. States were measured by the following criteria:
Arizona’s seventh year #1 rating is primarily because of what AzCDL has accomplished. Prior to AzCDL’s involvement, Arizona’s CCW system was onerous and discouraged applications. Permits were only good for 4 years and required training, testing and additional fingerprinting to renew. Court cases narrowed the interpretation of open carry to a point where the only way to safely openly carry your firearm and avoid arrest was by having a CCW permit. In self-defense situations, the burden of proof was on YOU to prove your innocence – after you admitted to the “crime.” Firearms preemption was Balkanized. Castle doctrine and “no duty to retreat” laws were weak. AzCDL was created by a handful of activists in 2005 who didn’t like the status quo. By 2010 we achieved Constitutional Carry. CCW permits are now optional and the process to obtain a permit is more realistic. Arizona permits are recognized in the majority of states. Arizona is also one of the few states that recognize all permits from all states – again thanks to AzCDL. Because of AzCDL’s efforts, you are now “innocent until proven guilty” when defending yourself. Firearms preemption has been strengthened. We were even successful in getting the Arizona Constitution changed to protect law-abiding citizens from law suits when they defend themselves. Visit our Accomplishments and Why AzCDL web pages to learn more about what AzCDL has accomplished. We are proud that AzCDL’s efforts, with the support of our members, have again garnered this high rating for Arizona from such a prestigious publication. However, from our perspective, there is a lot more that needs to be done to make Arizona truly a free state when it comes to honoring your constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms. With your continued support we can achieve that goal. |
October 21, 2019 | |
Annual Meeting Audio. We thank everyone who attended AzCDL’s 2019 Annual Meeting of Members in Tucson. You made it a huge success! Because almost everyone was armed (a condition we insist on in our contracts with any hotel that hosts our meetings) it was probably the safest place to be in the entire state of Arizona. Special thanks go to our small army of dedicated volunteers who managed everything from registration to the silent auction and everything in between. We could not have done this without you. For those not able to attend, Charles Heller, AzCDL’s media maven and our annual meeting Master of Ceremonies, recorded the event. Key recordings of the meeting have been posted on our annual meeting page (scroll near the bottom). |
September 27, 2019 | |
AzCDL Awarded – Again! At the 2019 Gun Rights Policy Conference held in Phoenix on September 21-23, Dave Kopp, AzCDL’s President, was honored with the “Defender of Liberty” award by the Second Amendment Foundation. This is AzCDL’s sixth award from GRPC. |
September 4, 2019 | |
Beware the Mental Health Ruse. In the aftermath of recent high-profile killings, those who want to disarm you are calling for laws that prevent the “mentally ill” from having access to firearms. Unfortunately, many who espouse support for your right to keep and bear arms are buying into his ruse. Who are the mentally ill? And, who makes the determination? In proposed “Red Flag” firearm confiscation legislation filed in Arizona earlier this year, a sign of mental illness was someone who purchased a firearm in the last 6 months. Are you willing to live with that? The Obama Administration combed through Veteran and Social Security pension rolls for recipients identified with mental competency issues, such has having problems handling their finances, labeled them as mental “defectives,” and prohibited them from possessing firearms under federal law. In the old Soviet Union, political dissidents were labeled mentally ill. We’re hearing that same song from today’s “Progressives.” And, where does this assumption come from that people with mental health challenges are automatically a danger to themselves and others? Itメs more a media driven myth that reality. Cut through all the hyperbole and you’ll find a scheme to expand the growing list of those who cannot possess a firearm. Next will be a call for rigorous mental health screening as a condition to own a firearm. Eventually we’ll arrive at anyone wanting to possess a firearm must be mentally ill. Don’t buy into the mental health ruse. The Second Amendment does not have “except for…” penciled in after “shall not be infringed.” Everyone with mental health issues is not automatically a danger to themselves or others. The moment we accept that “some people” should not have firearms and let self-serving lawmakers and bureaucrats determine who may have a firearm, we’ve surrendered our right to keep and bear arms and eventually our freedom. As we mentioned in a recent email, Governor Doug Ducey is looking to resurrect a “Red Flag” firearms confiscation bill that he had introduced in the 2018 Arizona Legislative session. We must continue to let our legislators know that gun control bills are still unacceptable in Arizona. And make no mistake, “Red Flag” laws are gun control wearing a mask of mental health reform. We have drafted an email for you to send to your legislators. All that’s required to make a difference are a few mouse clicks. You can send the email as is, or you can customize it with your own comments. If you have not yet contacted your Arizona State Senator and Representative, please click on the link below. |
August 16, 2018 | |
Tell the Legislature – No “Red Flag” gun confiscation laws in Arizona!. As we mentioned in a recent Alert, Governor Doug Ducey is looking to resurrect a “Red Flag” firearms confiscation bill that he had introduced in the 2018 Arizona Legislative session. Thanks largely to AzCDL’s intervention, the Governor’s original proposal failed to pass out of the Legislature. In 2019, Democrats filed their version of the Governor’s red flag proposal, but again, the legislation died early in the session. Now Governor Ducey, in a recent interview with the Arizona Capitol Times, is once again pushing his scheme for “emergency” confiscation of your firearms in the coming legislative session. Speaker of the House Russell Bowers, in a June 23 interview with the Arizona Capitol Times recapping the 2019 legislative session, said, “From the idea of the unfettered use of firearms to confiscation, who has moved? Well, the confiscation people haven’t moved. We’re just moving more close to them.” House Public Safety Committee Chairman Kevin Payne, in an August 9 interview with ABC 15, “thinks the legislature can pass a red-flag law. If asked, he says he will work with the Governor to make it happen.” Many Arizona gun owners have always believed that no matter how hard left-wing Democrats pushed to take their guns away, the Republicans would stand in their way. Does anyone still believe that? The time has come to let all of our legislators know that gun control bills are still unacceptable in Arizona. And make no mistake, “Red Flag” laws are gun control wearing a mask of mental health reform. But as long as policy proposals focus on the guns and not on the person misusing them, they are just more of the same. It’s past time that we started focusing our policy discussions on proposals that might actually work, such as eliminating so-called “gun free zones”, where almost every mass killing event in recent memory has occurred. We ask that you contact your Arizona State Senators and Representatives and urge them to resist any attempts at gun control, whether they are so-called “Red Flag” laws, “Universal Background Check” laws, “Assault Weapons Ban” laws, or whatever other failed leftist attempt to shred our liberties. We’ve made it easy for you. We have drafted an email for you to send to your legislators. All that’s required to make a difference are a few mouse clicks. You can send the email as is, or you can customize it with your own comments. |
August 9, 2019 | |
Republicans plotting gun confiscation laws in Arizona. After the recent attacks in El Paso, Texas and Dayton, Ohio, the enemies of freedom are once again calling for disarming law-abiding citizens. Their current trojan horse of choice is “red flag” laws that use civil proceedings to forcibly confiscate your firearms based on dubious claims from disgruntled family members or school officials, with virtually no recourse or appeal. In Maryland, police killed a man while confiscating his guns using a red flag law. In Vermont, the firearms of an uncle of a student plotting a school rampage were confiscated, not because he was involved, but because the student mentioned that he knew his uncle owned guns. At the behest of Republican Governor Doug Ducey, a red flag firearms confiscation bill was introduced in the 2018 Arizona Legislative session. Thanks largely to AzCDL’s intervention, the Governor’s original proposal failed to pass out of the Legislature. In 2019, Democrats filed their version of the Governor’s red flag proposal, but again, the legislation died early in the session. Now, exploiting the El Paso and Dayton tragedies, Arizona Governor Ducey, in a recent interview with the Arizona Capitol Times, is once again pushing his scheme for “emergency” confiscation of your firearms in the coming legislative session. We recommend reading the entire article, it also contains AzCDL’s rebuttal. It gets worse. Arizona’s Speaker of the House, Republican Russell Bowers, in a June 23 interview with the Arizona Capitol Times recapping the 2019 legislative session said the following about confiscating your firearms: “From the idea of the unfettered use of firearms to confiscation, who has moved? Well, the confiscation people haven’t moved. We’re just moving more close to them.” In a more recent interview Speaker Bowers again expressed a willingness to explore more restrictions on your right to keep and bear arms in the 2020 legislative session. We have a Republican governor chomping at the bit to get firearms confiscation legislation passed into law, and the Republican Speaker of the House eager to help. Twice, we’ve helped defeat the governor’s confiscation scheme due to AzCDL supporters inundating the legislature with thousands of emails. Whether we’re able to do it in again in 2020 depends almost entirely on YOUR participation. Staying quiet and letting the “other guy” do it is surrendering to those who want to disarm you. We make it easy for you to be a Right to Keep and Bear Arms activist. As legislation proceeds, we will prepare an email for you to send to your state legislators and the governor. All it takes are a few mouse clicks to make a difference. We need to know – are YOU going to help AzCDL defeat firearms confiscation laws from being passed in 2020? Click on the link below and tell us “Yes” or “No.” https://www.votervoice.net/AZCDL/Surveys/5476/Respond To the thousands of activists who have contacted your legislators when we asked and helped Arizona become the Number One state for gun owners – Thank You for your support. |
July 21, 2019 | |
Receving AzCDL Alerts. We’ve upgraded our Alerts system. In addition to receiving these emails, you can also receive text messages or use our Mobile App. To subscribe to AzCDL text (SMS) alerts, simply text the word AZCDL to 50457. Text alerts will be limited to items that require immediate action, like contacting your legislators. You can also subscribe by completing the online form here. The AzCDL Mobile App – Depending on your smart phone or tablet’s operating system, visit the Google Play or Apple (iTunes) store and download and install the VoterVoice app. After you have downloaded and installed the App, you will be prompted to enter your email address. A verification code will be sent to your email account. After verifying your email account, you will be brought to a “Find Organization” page. Start typing AZCDL and the option for AZCDL should appear directly below where you were typing. Tap or click AZCDL and you’ll then have access to our new mobile app. Future action alerts will be delivered directly to your mobile device. |
June 7, 2019 | |
Over 16,000 AzCDL Members! This past weekend, at a gun show in Show Low, hard-working AzCDL volunteers recruited our 16,000th member. We’ve come a long way in 14 years. AzCDL was formed in 2005 when seven activists decided to do something about the loss of the right to keep and bear arms in Arizona. Our first meeting was in March. By June AzCDL was officially formed. Four of the original founders became AzCDL’s first directors. That same year we experienced our first success at the legislature. Five years later, in 2010, among many other accomplishments, we were successful in achieving Constitutional Carry in Arizona. The right to carry openly or discreetly without begging for government permission was restored. Because of our success, Guns and Ammo magazine has declared Arizona as the number one state for gun owners for the last six years. AzCDL is fiercely independent. We are not affiliated with, nor do we receive any money from, any national organizations. No sugar daddies. No New York billionaires. Memberships and Individual donations are our only source of income. If you are not a member, we urge you to join AzCDL. The more members we have committed to making a difference, the greater AzCDL’s impact at the legislature. By working together and making our voices heard, not only can we show the bad guys that they don’t stand a chance in Arizona, we can push through legislation that further restores and protects our rights. |
May 22, 2019 | |
Supporting the Wickenburg High School Rifle Team. Two members of the Wickenburg (Arizona) High School (WHS) Rifle Team, which may be the only recognized public high school high-power rifle team in the USA, have been invited to join the United States F Class National Under 25 Team. WHS teams have earned four national records in F Class. Since the team is a public-school activity, donations are fully tax-deductible to anyone in the USA. However, Arizona residents get a deal that’s hard to refuse: you can write off the full amount of your donation against your state income tax liability… not just as a deduction, but as a tax credit. To clarify, if you usually owe the state of Arizona $200 for state income tax each year, you can make a donation of $200 to the Wickenburg High School Rifle Team and owe the state nothing next April ($400 for couples). If those taxes have already been withheld from your paycheck, you will actually get a refund from the state! It’s also a terrific way to send a message to both the school system and to the state tax authorities about where their priorities should be. Some years back, the Wickenburg school board took official notice in their minutes that the Rifle Team was neck and neck with the football team for the most popular recipient of tax credit funding. It was that sort of community acceptance that caused them to upgrade the school rifle “club” to a recognized “sport.” Donations can be made immediately online — you no longer have to cut a check or even lick a stamp. Visit: https://wickenburg.revtrak.net/tek9.asp Click on “Tax Credits,” then select “Wickenburg High School” and “Other.” Important: in the “Other” field, write: Rifle Team Any amount helps. The youngsters of Wickenburg thank you, and so does AzCDL. If you would like more information about the WHS rifle team, please contact C. D. Tavares at guninstructor@libertyhaven.com. |
March 16, 2019 | |
U.S. Senate Shows Support for Firearms Confiscations. Per Gun Owners of America (GOA), in the Republican controlled U.S. Senate, Senator Lindsay Graham (R-SC) has scheduled a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing for March 26, on S. 7, a bill supporting state firearms confiscations under the guise of Extreme Risk Protection Orders. Sadly, the primary sponsor to S. 7 is Republican Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL). S.7 isn’t the only firearms confiscation bill filed. Senator Diane Feinstein (D-CA) filed a similar Senate bill, S. 506, and in the House, H.R. 744 and 1236 have been filed. Extreme Risk Protection Orders, also known as “red flag” laws, are nothing more than firearms confiscations disguised as “gun violence” prevention. The alleged purpose of these laws is to curtail school shootings but the targets of the confiscations are almost always law-abiding adults. In Vermont, firearms were confiscated from the uncle of a student plotting an attack on this school, not because he was involved, but simply because the student mentioned that he knew his uncle had firearms. Here in Arizona, Governor Ducey has repeatedly pledged his support for confiscation of your firearms via an Arizona red flag law. These laws allow for “emergency” confiscations of firearms, using low evidentiary standards with virtually no recourse or appeals, based on unsubstantiated claims from disgruntled family members, casual relationships, school officials and even total strangers. We have drafted an email to send to your Arizona U.S. Senators urging them to oppose S.7 and any similar legislation. Silence = Acceptance. If they don’t hear from you, they’ll assume that you support firearms confiscations and will vote accordingly. Even if you feel they may not be listening, why make it easy for them? Let’s flood them with emails. Click here to send your emails to your Senators We encourage you to share the above link with everyone you know, regardless of where they reside. The legislative email is not Arizona specific. It will be transmitted to U.S. Senators based on the address of the sender. |
January 12, 2019 | |
Governor Ducey reaffirms support for firearms confiscation. In the final weeks of the 2018 Arizona Legislative session, at the behest of Governor Ducey, a bill was introduced in the Senate to allow for the “emergency” confiscation of your firearms, using low evidentiary standards with virtually no recourse or appeals and based on claims from disgruntled family members or school officials. Thanks to AzCDL’s intervention the bill failed to pass out of the House before the end of the session. Governor Ducey refers to his firearms confiscations as STOP (Severe Threat Order of Protection) orders. In many other states they are referred to as “red flag” laws, all part of a distressing national trend to trample your rights. Recently in Vermont, the courts used their state’s red flag law to confiscate the firearms of an uncle of a student who was plotting to go on a rampage at his local school. The uncle was targeted, not because he was involved, but because the student mentioned that he knew that there were guns at his uncle’s house. Imagine that happening to you. In Maryland, the police killed a man while confiscating his guns using their red flag law. The Arizona Capitol Times, in their issue dated January 11, 2019, has reported that one of Governor Ducey’s top priorities for the 2019 session is passage of his firearms confiscation plan. We expect to see the Governor’s proposal introduced early in the 2019 session with full support of the legislative leadership. |
January 11, 2019 | |
Follow AzCDL on Twitter. The 2019 Arizona legislative session begins on Monday, January 14. In addition to these email alerts, to get the latest news on pending legislation, you can also follow us on Twitter at https://twitter.com/AzCDL_Alerts . For those familiar with Twitter, the account is @AzCDL_Alerts. |
December 19, 2018 | |
Donate to the AzCDL Foundation – Get a tax deduction. Last year, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) approved the application for the newly minted AzCDL Foundation as a tax exempt “charity” under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. AzCDL spent the last 13 years, with the support of our members, restoring and protecting the right to keep and bear arms in Arizona through legislative lobbying. Thanks to our efforts more Arizonans are exercising their right to bear arms than ever before. Through our lobbying efforts at the Legislature, in 2010 we succeeded in restoring the right of law-abiding adults to carry openly or discreetly without seeking government permission. The CCW permit still exists but is now optional. Additionally, we were able to achieve significant reforms in the CCW permit process. The result has been a dramatic increase in permit issuance, despite no longer being required. As of December 16, 2018, Arizona issued 338,156 CCW permits. Because of several other legislative reforms we’ve initiated or supported, there are fewer restrictions on where and when you may carry a firearm. And, thanks to AzCDL’s success at the Legislature, Arizona has earned the reputation for being the friendliest state for gun owners. If we are going to continue to be successful at the Legislature it is important to show that Arizona has the most responsible gun owners in America. That is the mission of the AzCDL Foundation. The AzCDL Foundation has the following goals:
You can support the AzCDL Foundation through your tax-deductible donations The AzCDL Foundation is a separate, self-funding entity from AzCDL. Your donations will help it achieve its goals. As a 501(c)(3) organization, donations made to the AzCDL Foundation are tax deductible, in contrast to donations to AzCDL which are not tax deductible. Donations to the Foundation can be made directly at: http://azcdlfoundation.org. Shop online? Amazon.com will donate 0.5% of your purchase amount to the AzCDL Foundation if you use their “AmazonSmile” feature. If you have never activated the AmazonSmile feature for shopping at Amazon, use this link: https://smile.amazon.com/ch/81-3009127 . You are still using your existing Amazon account. All settings remain the same. The difference is that by logging in via AmazonSmile a donation is automatically made to the charity of your choice, by the AmazonSmile Foundation, based on the amount of your purchase. Clicking on the above link will allow you to select the AzCDL Foundation as the recipient of those donations. If you are already an AmazonSmile user, we ask that you consider making the AzCDL Foundation a recipient of Amazon’s donations by selecting “Change your Charity” in “Your Account.” |
October 9, 2018 | |
Arizona rated best state for gun owners – again! For the SIXTH consecutive year Guns and Ammo magazine has rated Arizona as the #1 state for gun owners. The ratings are published in the November 2018 issue. Click here to view a copy of the ratings. States were measured by the following criteria:
Arizona’s six year #1 rating is primarily because of what AzCDL has accomplished. Prior to AzCDL’s involvement, other organizations were content with the status quo in Arizona and made almost no effort to push for improvements. As a result, Arizona’s CCW system was onerous and discouraged applications. Permits were only good for 4 years and required training, testing and additional fingerprinting to renew. Court cases narrowed the interpretation of open carry to a point where the only way to safely openly carry your firearm and avoid arrest was by having a CCW permit. In self-defense situations, the burden of proof was on YOU to prove your innocence – after you admitted to the “crime.” Firearms preemption was Balkanized. Castle doctrine and “no duty to retreat” laws were weak. AzCDL was created by a handful of activists in 2005 who didn’t like the status quo. By 2010 we achieved Constitutional Carry. CCW permits are now optional and the process to obtain a permit is more realistic. Arizona permits are recognized in the majority of states. Arizona is also one of the few states that recognize all permits from all states – again thanks to AzCDL. Because of AzCDL’s efforts, you are now “innocent until proven guilty” when defending yourself. Firearms preemption has been strengthened. We were even successful in getting the Arizona Constitution changed to protect law-abiding citizens from law suits when they defend themselves. Visit our Accomplishments and Why AzCDL web pages to learn more about what AzCDL has accomplished. We are proud that AzCDL’s efforts, with the support of our members, have again garnered this high rating for Arizona from such a prestigious publication. However, from our perspective, there is a lot more that needs to be done to make Arizona truly a free state when it comes to honoring your constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms. With your continued support we can achieve that goal. |
September 29, 2018 | |
AzCDL Awarded – Again! At the 2018 Gun Rights Policy Conference (GRPC) held in Chicago on September 21-23, 2018, AzCDL was awarded |
August 28, 2018 | |
Attorneys on Retainer discount for AzCDL Members. For the law-abiding, the heaviest thing about a firearm is the responsibility that comes with it. If you carry a firearm, you already accepted the responsibility of defending yourself and loved ones. However, carrying a firearm increases your odds of an interaction with law enforcement, and even the most minimal act of defending yourself can come with experiencing the criminal “justice” system in a less than positive way. Sitting in the county lock-up is not the time to start thinking about legal representation. With the rise of responsible citizens carrying firearms, a number of insurance plans have become available for firearms owners. They typically provide a network of attorneys that can assist you and provide legal representation. However, for the most part, you have no idea who will be representing you until you call. Do you really want to trust your legal problem to an attorney that you may know nothing about, and may not have extensive expertise in Arizona firearms laws? Here in Arizona, we have another option. Phoenix-based criminal defense attorney, and AzCDL Life Member, Marc Victor offers an Attorneys on Retainer program. It’s not an insurance program. As a member of the program, you become a client of his law firm and can utilize his services at a greatly reduced rate. More information about the program and its benefits can be found at https://attorneysforfreedom.com/attorney-retainer-cost . Marc is offering a discounted group plan for AzCDL members. After a $50 set-up fee, your per person monthly cost is $14.95 (10% less for a yearly payment). If you want to sign up for Marc Victor’s Attorneys on Retainer program for AzCDL members, reply to this message. Once we have verified your AzCDL membership status, we will provide you with a special website link and password. Regardless of whether you take advantage of this program, or any of the others being offered, if you own a firearm we recommend that you establish a relationship with qualified legal counsel before the need ever arises. Marc Victor will also be speaking at this year’s Annual Meeting of Members. It’s an opportunity for you to meet him in person. |
May 16, 2018 | |
Will Trump ban your AR? President Trump has directed his Justice Department to draft a ruling that would define add-on devices like “bump stocks” as machine guns under federal law. While many of you may think it’s no big deal because you don’t own a bump stock, such a ruling could make your AR pattern rifle illegal, and you a felon for possessing it. The National Firearms Act (NFA), 26 U.S.C. Chapter 53, defines the term “firearm” to include a machinegun. Section 5845(b) of the NFA defines “machinegun” as “any weapon which shoots, is designed to shoot, or can be readily restored to shoot, automatically more than one shot, without manual reloading, by a single function of the trigger. The term shall also include the frame or receiver of any such weapon, any part designed and intended solely and exclusively, or combination of parts designed and intended, for use in converting a weapon into a machinegun, and any combination of parts from which a machinegun can be assembled if such parts are in the possession or under the control of a person.” The proposed regulations would define a gun as a machinegun even if the trigger resets for every round that is fired, so long as the finger only pulls the trigger once, which occurs when “bump firing” any semi-automatic rifle, not just AR’s. If the Trump Justice Department issues a ruling that adding a bump stock to your AR makes it a machine gun and federal law says that a machine gun is any weapon that “can be readily restored to shoot” as a machine gun, then by definition all AR pattern rifles could be instantly classified as machine guns because they can “be readily restored” by adding a bump stock or similar device. It gets worse. Pursuant to 18 U.S.C. 922(o), machineguns manufactured on or after May 19, 1986, may only be transferred to or possessed by Federal, State, and local government agencies for official use. If the potential of adding a bump stock automatically makes your AR a machine gun and it’s illegal for you to possess any machine gun manufactured after May 19, 1986, you are now a felon. There is no “grandfather” clause in existing federal law. If you own an AR manufactured before 1986, you could still be considered to be in possession of an unregistered machinegun. It appears that with one bureaucratic ruling, President Trump will accomplish what those who want to disarm you have been pushing for decades, the outlawing of most popular rifle in America – your AR. We’re at a crossroads. You can do nothing and hope no one knows you have an AR when the confiscations begin, or you can join the fight to prevent the Justice Department from ruling that your AR can be considered a machine gun because it can be bump fired. The Trump Justice Department’s “Notice of Proposed Rulemaking,” that would reclassify bump stocks as machine guns under the National Firearms Act, is now open for public comments. The deadline for making comments is June 27, 2018. Click here for a direct link to make a comment. After clicking on the above link click on the blue “Comment Now” tab in the upper right corner: |
February 28, 2018 | |
Join AzCDL on Facebook. Do you have a Facebook account? Tired of seeing endless selfies and monotonous memes? Check out AzCDL’s Facebook group where the focus of the discussion is on your right to keep and bear arms. To join, visit AzCDL’s Facebook group and request to join. This is a closed and moderated group. No trolls allowed. Participants must be vetted and approved. |
November 4, 2017 | |
Arizona rated best state for gun owners – for the 5th year in a row! For the FIFTH consecutive year Guns and Ammo magazine has rated Arizona as the #1 state for gun owners. States were measured by the following criteria:
Here is what Guns & Ammo magazines said about Arizona’s #1 rating: “It’s hard to improve upon Arizona’s gun laws but they seem to make an effort every year. In 2017, Governor Ducey signed legislation into law preventing local governments from enacting background check requirements for gun ownership. Arizona maxes-out in every category thanks to its permitless (and permitted) carry, very strong self-defense laws, hands-off NFA and Black Gun policies and an overall hassle-free landscape for gun owners. The Phoenix area likely has the most active competitive shooting cultures in the nation and there are countless places to shoot in the deserts if you’re the kind that likes to take long shots. The hunting opportunities are some of the best in the country, though tags can be a challenge to draw, so if you’re a sportsman as well as a gun owner you’re in luck. The gap between Arizona and other states in the top-10 has certainly narrowed in the past few years but we have no justification for taking the winning slot away from our reigning champion.” Arizona’s five year #1 rating is primarily because of what AzCDL has accomplished. Prior to AzCDL’s involvement, national pro-rights firearms organizations were content with the status quo in Arizona and made almost no effort to push for improvements. As a result, Arizona’s CCW system was onerous and discouraged applications. Permits were only good for 4 years and required training, testing and additional fingerprinting to renew. Court cases narrowed the interpretation of open carry to a point where the only way to safely openly carry your firearm and avoid arrest was by having a CCW permit. In self-defense situations, the burden of proof was on YOU to prove your innocence – after you admitted to the “crime.” Firearms preemption was Balkanized. Castle doctrine and “no duty to retreat” laws were weak. AzCDL was created by a handful of activists in 2005 who didn’t like the status quo. By 2010 we achieved Constitutional Carry. CCW permits are now optional and the process to obtain a permit is more realistic. Arizona permits are recognized in the majority of states. Arizona is also one of the few states that recognize all permits from all states – again thanks to AzCDL. Because of AzCDL’s efforts, you are now “innocent until proven guilty” when defending yourself. Firearms preemption has been strengthened. Sheriffs can’t drag their feet on NFA applications – Arizona has a “shall sign” statute. We were even successful in getting the Arizona Constitution changed to protect law-abiding citizens from law suits when they defend themselves. Visit our Accomplishments and Why AzCDL web pages to learn more about what AzCDL has accomplished. We are proud that AzCDL’s efforts, with the support of our members, have again garnered this high rating for Arizona from such a prestigious publication. However, from our perspective, there is a lot more that needs to be done to make Arizona truly a free state when it comes to honoring your constitutionally protected right to bear arms. With your continued support we can achieve that goal. |
October 7, 2017 | |
Not One More Inch! It’s far past time to stop giving up ground. Who doesn’t love a good magic show? Watching a good magician dazzle us with amazing illusions, showmanship and sleight of hand touches something deep inside the human psyche, especially when we’re young, and don’t quite yet understand the tricks. But the adults in the audience know that the secret to sleight of hand is misdirection. They get us watching the rabbit, or the bird, or the shiny object, while the real trick is happening somewhere else, somewhere we aren’t watching. A good politician has quite a bit in common with a good magician. When they want something, especially in times of crisis, they manipulate and misdirect in order to get it. They don’t want you to focus on what they’re really doing when they can get you to focus on something else entirely. The recent events in Las Vegas provide a good example. When a madman opened fire on a crowded concert, killing dozens and wounding hundreds more, many politicians immediately began blaming guns, gun accessories, gun owners, etc., ad infinitum. This despite the fact that similar events have played out across the world over the last several years, some involving guns, others involving explosives, trucks, etc. The weapons always vary, but the common denominator is always the same … a madman, or several, bent on inflicting the maximum possible carnage. So why is the response of political class always “We must discuss guns …”? Misdirection. Most gun owners understand the concept of “We call them criminals for a reason.” What gun law can we pass that will stop someone from committing mass murder? The obvious answer? None. But the constant focus on them puts us on the defensive. Politicians, celebrities, the media, all start asking questions like “Why does someone need to own so many guns?” “What does anyone need a bump fire stock for?” “Why would anyone need an assault weapon?” “Why should anyone have a 30-round magazine?” And the conversation has shifted from the real problem, criminals and madmen, to the issue these folks really want to address, guns and our right to own and use them. They want, and always have wanted, to limit that right, and these events have handed them an opportunity. Misdirection. Now that we’ve been misdirected from the actual issue, we start feeling the need to answer these questions, and “defend” our positions on why we “need” these things, why our rights protect these behaviors, etc. But we should be asking ourselves why we’ve fallen for the misdirection. This is not the real issue, after all. We should be talking about how to deal with criminals and madmen attacking us. And they will, no matter what laws we pass restricting our own rights. So why aren’t we talking about how we properly secure large venues, such as concerts and sporting events? After all, when Presidents and Governors make speeches in such locations, security is paramount, no expense is spared, and every precaution is taken. Is a venue filled with 20,000 civilians somehow less important than a single politician? Why aren’t we talking about that? Misdirection. Senate Bill S. 1916 to regulate “bump fire stocks” was filed by Sen. Diane Feinstein so quickly after the tragedy one could easily speculate that it was prepared and waiting beforehand. You can track the progress of S. 1916 at AzCDL’s Legislative Action Center. Many of our so-called allies on the GOP side of the aisle are ready to support Senator Feinstein’s bill in the name of “doing something”. But let’s not fall for the misdirection. Whether or not you have ever used a “bump fire stock”, whether or not you even care to, understand that going after our rights is not solving the real problem. We law-abiding gun owners didn’t do anything, and restricting our rights yet again in the name of supposedly stopping bad guys from doing something they will continue to do anyway is simply not acceptable. So why hand them a foot in the door? Do not fall for the misdirection. Do not let them change the subject. Do not let them control the dialog. Our rights are not negotiable. Not one more inch! |
August 18, 2017 | |
Arizona Supreme Court Rules Against Tucson Firearms Destruction. Great news! On August 17 the Arizona Supreme Court ruled that the City of Tucson’s policy of destroying forfeited and unclaimed firearms was in violation of state law. How is this possible? Thank AzCDL. One of AzCDL’s goals has been to strengthen state firearms preemption and add teeth to the law. In 2010, through AzCDL-requested legislation, we were successful in securing major improvements to the state’s firearms preemption laws, including a ban on the destruction of seized firearms. The ban on firearms destruction was strengthened again in 2012, through AzCDL-requested legislation, after cities like Tucson exploited loopholes in the wording of the law and continued to destroy firearms they obtained. In 2013, with the passage of HB 2455, sponsored by Representative (and AzCDL Life Member) Brenda Barton (LD 6), all remaining loopholes in the law were closed. In 2016, via the passage of AzCDL-supported Senate Bills (SB) 1266 and 1487, we were able to have cities held accountable for their continuing violation of state laws. SB 1266, an NRA-requested bill, allows for injunctions, fines and civil suits when political subdivisions (e.g. cities) disregard preemption laws. SB 1487 requires the Attorney General to investigate when one or more members of the Legislature allege that a county, city or town has violated state law or the Arizona Constitution. Following the passage of SB 1487, Representative (and AzCDL Life Member) Mark Finchem (LD 11) asked the Arizona Attorney General to investigate the City of Tucson for the routine destruction of firearms in violation of ARS 13-3108.F. After the Arizona Attorney General found that Tucson may have been in violation of state law, the case was referred to the Arizona Supreme Court which, on August 17, unanimously upheld the statute and ruled against the city. We thank our members who have supported us with their donations and emails to legislators that resulted in this momentous decision. Want to see more laws that restore and protect your right to keep and bear arms? Support AzCDL through your membership and activism. |
June 9, 2017 | |
Arizona Safer with Constitutional Carry. In 2010 when the Arizona Legislature was debating the AzCDL-requested “Constitutional Carry” law, which removed the requirement to obtain government permission to discreetly carry your firearm, those that want to disarm you were predicting shootouts over fender benders and the streets running red with blood. Our friends at the NRA recently published a review of the impact of Constitutional Carry laws in Alaska, Arizona and Wyoming based on the FBI’s Crime in the United States reports. FBI statistics shows that after enacting Constitutional Carry murders involving firearms in these states declined. As the chart below shows, Arizona started seeing a reduction in firearms related murders around the time AzCDL began pushing for CCW reforms. After Constitutional Carry was passed in 2010 the decline continued. While correlation does not always equal causation, it could be surmised that AzCDL’s legislative successes have had a major impact on the reduction of crime in Arizona.
Those that want to disarm you will not let these facts get in the way of their agenda. They are coming for you and your guns. Their short term goal is to enact gun owner registration by criminalizing the private transfer of property unless you submit to a background check. Their long term goal is to confiscate your firearms. We can’t let that happen in Arizona. You can help by joining AzCDL and renewing your membership timely. |
August 18, 2016 | |
State Department Tragets Gunsmiths. As part of the Obama Administration’s efforts to eliminate your right to keep and bear arms via regulatory fiat, on July 22 the U.S. State Department declared that the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) apply to firearms modifications performed by gunsmiths, who must now pay a $2,250 annual fee if they want to stay in business. Under ITAR, firearms are “defense articles” and anyone who engages in the business of “manufacturing” a defense article must register with the State Department. And, “manufacturing” means just about any modification to a firearm. Specifically it means:
Want a gunsmith to do a trigger job, thread a barrel, change out the upper on your AR, or do anything to “improve the capability” of your firearm? If they aren’t registered with the State Department and pay that monstrous annual fee, they’ll soon face the wrath of the Obama Regime. The unstated purpose of these regulations is to force gunsmiths, and entrepreneurs who manufacture aftermarket parts like triggers, barrels, stocks, (maybe even grip panels or magazines?), out of business. The way the regulations are worded we’re wondering if someone who sells their reloads at gun shows might not get a visit from armed federal agents dragging them out of bed in the wee hours of the morning. Whoever becomes our next president will determine if these regulations stay or go. Who do you want that to be? Elections have consequences. Vote!500 |
June 10, 2016 | |
“Concealed” Carry Illegal? On Thursday, June 9, the federal Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in Peruta v. San Diego that the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution (the amendment that says your right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed) does not apply to “concealed” carry. They even went so far as to say they weren’t sure that the Second Amendment allows you to open carry. The pretzel logic used by the Ninth Circuit is a set up for a Supreme Court challenge. With only eight justices currently on the Supreme Court, the four liberal ones will be eager to use this decision to eviscerate the Second Amendment. It could quickly get worse. Whoever gets elected President this November will be filling the Supreme Court vacancy left by Justice Scalia, and very likely a few more during their first term, based on the age and health of the remaining justices. Our next President will have the power to impact Supreme Court decisions for decades. Remember this when you vote in November. Sitting out this election is in reality a vote for someone who is most likely going to appoint hard core socialists to the Court. Not voting is surrendering. While Ninth Circuit rulings apply to Arizona at the federal level, because the Arizona Constitution also protects your right to bear arms, this ruling, and even the Second Amendment itself, have virtually no impact on Arizona state firearm laws. However, that doesn’t mean your rights can’t be attacked and undermined at the state level. Like the Ninth Circuit did on June 9, an Arizona appellate court in 1990 ruled that, despite the Arizona Constitution saying that your right to bear arms shall not be impaired, you do not have a right to carry “concealed.” The Arizona Supreme Court declined to review the ruling, making it the law in Arizona. In 1994, the Arizona Legislature, instead of simply affirming that you have a right to carry openly or discreetly, declared that if you expected your clothing to cover your firearm you were required to undergo training, testing, fingerprinting and a background check to apply for the privilege to carry “concealed.” In 2010, AzCDL was successful in restoring your right to carry without begging for government permission. While the Arizona Constitution prevents the Peruta ruling from impacting us in Arizona, it won’t protect us if the federal government criminalizes the private transfer of firearms. There is at least one candidate for President who has clearly stated their intention to do just that. Maybe that’s why Bloomberg has not attempted a ballot measure in Arizona this year? If the national election goes the way he wants it to, he won’t need to conquer Arizona. The feds will do it for him. Only you can prevent this from happening. Vote in November! |
September 16, 2015 | |
Arizona rated best state for Concealed Carry – Again! Once again, Guns and Ammo magazine rated Arizona as the #1 state for gun owners, this time for Concealed Carry laws. States were rated on their concealed carry laws using the following criteria:
All you need to do is look at AzCDLメs accomplishments to see why we are consistently rated #1 for gun owners. We are proud that AzCDL’s efforts, with your support, have again garnered this high rating for Arizona from such a prestigious publication. However, from our perspective, there is a lot more that needs to be done to make Arizona truly a free state when it comes to honoring your constitutionally protected right to bear arms. With your continued support we can achieve that goal.400 |
July 23, 2015 | |
Arizona rated best state for gun owners – again! For the THIRD consecutive year Guns and Ammo magazine has rated Arizona as the #1 state for gun owners. States were measured by the following criteria:
Arizona’s three year #1 rating is because of what AzCDL has accomplished. Prior to AzCDL’s involvement, the national pro-rights firearms organizations were content with the status quo in Arizona. Arizona’s CCW system was onerous and discouraged applications. Permits were only good for 4 years and required training, testing and additional fingerprinting to renew. Court cases narrowed the interpretation of open carry to a point where the only way to safely openly carry your firearm and avoid arrest was by having a CCW permit. In self-defense situations, the burden of proof was on YOU to prove your innocence – after you admitted to the “crime.” Firearms preemption was Balkanized. Cities like Tucson were able to ban firearms in their parks. Castle doctrine and “no duty to retreat” laws were weak. AzCDL was created by a handful of activists who were not content with the status quo. AzCDL was established in 2005. That same year we experienced our first legislative success. By 2010 we made history with Constitutional Carry. CCW permits are now optional and the process to obtain a permit is more realistic. Arizona permits are recognized in the majority of states. Arizona is also one of the few states that recognize all permits from all states – again thanks to AzCDL. Because of AzCDL’s efforts, you are now “innocent until proven guilty” when defending yourself. Firearms preemption has been strengthened. Sheriffs can’t drag their feet on NFA applications – Arizona has a “shall sign” statute. We were even successful in getting the Arizona Constitution changed to protect law-abiding citizens from law suits when they defend themselves. Visit our Accomplishments and Why AzCDL web pages to learn more about what AzCDL has accomplished. We are proud that AzCDL’s efforts, with the support of our members, have again garnered this high rating for Arizona from such a prestigious publication. However, from our perspective, there is a lot more that needs to be done to make Arizona truly a free state when it comes to honoring your constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms. With your continued support we can achieve that goal. |
June 19, 2015 | |
Nevada recognizes Arizona CCW permits again. Effective June 17, 2015 Nevada began recognizing CCW permits issued by Arizona. This came about from two bills, SB 175 and AB 488, recently passed by the Nevada legislature and signed into law by Nevada Governor Brian Sandoval. SB 175 requires the Nevada Department of Public Safety (DPS) to determine if states issuing CCW permits require training in addition to having an accessible database to determine CCW Permit validity. Arizona meets both requirements. AB 488 amended the law further to remove the Nevada Sheriffs and Chiefs Association from the permit recognition decision making process. Sole authority now rests with the Nevada DPS. Per the new law, DPS will conduct their review annually, prior to July 1. |
December 22, 2014 | |
Gilbert allows discreet carry in city buildings. From the Arizona Republic. By a 6 to 1 vote, the town council of Gilbert recently passed an ordinance allowing CCW permit holders to discreetly carry their firearms in city owned buildings. Those without permits may still be asked to place their firearms in a storage locker. We applaud Councilman Victor Petersen for proposing the new procedure, and thank Mayor John Lewis and the Gilbert Council members who voted for passage of the new ordinance. It’s a great move in the right direction towards eliminating victim disarmament zones. We encourage other Arizona municipalities to follow Gilbert’s lead. |
September 27, 2014 | |
Arizona rated best state for Concealed Carry! Once again, Guns and Ammo magazine rated Arizona as the #1 state for gun owners, this time for Concealed Carry laws. States were rated on their concealed carry laws using the following criteria:
All you need to do is look at AzCDL’s accomplishments to see why we are consistently rated #1 for gun owners. We are proud that AzCDL’s efforts, with your support, have again garnered this high rating for Arizona from such a prestigious publication. However, from our perspective, there is a lot more that needs to be done to make Arizona truly a free state when it comes to honoring your constitutionally protected right to bear arms. With your continued support we can achieve that goal. |
May 25, 2014 | |
Arizona rated best state for gun owners – again! For the second year in a row, Guns and Ammo magazine rated Arizona as the #1 state for gun owners. States were measured on “gun rights/friendliness to gun owners” by the following criteria:
All you need to do is look at AzCDLメs accomplishments to see why we are rated #1. We are proud that AzCDL’s efforts, with your support, have again garnered this high rating for Arizona from such a prestigious publication. However, from our perspective there is a lot more that needs to be done to make Arizona truly a free state when it comes to honoring your constitutionally protected right to bear arms. With your continued support we can achieve that goal. |
May 23, 2014 | |
Pennsylvania Reciprocity. While AzCDL primarily focuses on restoring and protecting the right to keep and bear arms in Arizona, there are times to pitch in and help with problems elsewhere, particularly when they can impact us here at home. Kathleen Kane, Pennsylvania’s Attorney General, has taken it upon herself to ignore the statutory limits on her power and has begun a campaign of modifying, and in some cases canceling, longstanding firearms reciprocity agreements with other states. Idaho and Utah permits are no longer recognized in Pennsylvania. Agreements with Arizona, Florida and Virginia have been modified. In Arizona’s case this has nothing to do with Arizona law but does impact Pennsylvania residents with Arizona CCW permits. This is nothing more than rights restrictions by stealth. Per Pennsylvania Gun Rights, Ms. Kane received large contributions from a Super PAC funded by former New York Mayor Bloomberg and ran on a “gun control” platform. . |
March 18, 2013 | |
Arizona rated best state for gun owners! Guns and Ammo magazine recently rated all the states on how they treat the right to bear arms. States were measured on “gun rights/friendliness to gun owners” by the following criteria:
All you need to do is look at AzCDL’s accomplishments to see why we are rated #1. We are proud that AzCDL’s efforts, with your support, have garnered this high rating for Arizona from such a prestigious publication. However, from our perspective there is a lot more that needs to be done to make Arizona truly a free state when it comes to honoring your constitutionally protected right to bear arms. With your continued support we can achieve that goal. |