Gun Shows are back! Volunteers Needed!

by | Sep 10, 2020 | News & Alerts | 0 comments

Coming up on Friday and Saturday, September 18 & 19, is a Tempe gun show.  And, on Saturday and Sunday, September 19 & 20, is a gun show in Bullhead City.

AzCDL will have a table at both these gun shows.  If you are an AzCDL member and are available to volunteer a few hours we could use your help.  Come on down and have some fun.  When you volunteer, we will get you into the event for free.  It’s almost like being paid to show up!

Reply to this message with the gun show (Tempe or Bullhead City) where you want to volunteer and we’ll put you in contact with the AzCDL Coordinator working that show.

To see upcoming gun shows in your area click here.  If you are interested in volunteering for future gun shows, please contact AzCDL Director Tom Woodrow.