Arizona Citizens Defense League

Protecting Your Freedom

If you want to protect your Right to Keep and Bear Arms in Arizona, then you want to join the Arizona Citizens Defense League (AzCDL)

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The Arizona Citizens Defense League does NOT endorse any candidate for public office. We have established a new Political Action Committee (AzCDL PAC) but are no longer associated with the PAC of the same name that was disbanded prior to 2021. We do NOT give our permission for any candidate, political committee, or other entity to use our name or logo for any purpose. Any claim of an endorsement from the AzCDL, or any use of our logo for such purposes, should be considered illegitimate, and subject to potential legal action.

Governor signs RKBA “Sanctuary” Legislation

On April 6, 2021 Governor Ducey signed HB 2111, the AzCDL supported legislation defending Arizona's Right to Keep and Bear Arms (RKBA) from federal overreach. HB 2111 states that, pursuant to the sovereign authority of Arizona and Article 2, Section 3 of the Arizona...

Legislative Update

Legislative Update Friday, March 26, was the deadline for Senate bills to be heard in House committees and House bills to be heard in Senate committees.  The following pro-rights bills failed to meet that deadline. HB 2827, which would have prohibited business or...

Legislative Update

A list of firearms related bills we are monitoring this session can be found on AzCDL's Bill Tracking page. This coming Friday, March 26, is the deadline for Senate bills to be heard in House committees and House bills to be heard in Senate committees.  The following...

Legislative Update

Friday, February 19, was the deadline for bills to be heard in committees in their originating chamber (House or Senate).  All the bills we opposed failed to meet the deadline and are dead for the session.  Gone are red flag confiscations, universal background checks,...

Arizona rated best state for gun owners – again!

In the February 2021 issue of Guns and Ammo, Arizona is rated the best state for gun owners.  This is the EIGHTH consecutive year Guns and Ammo magazine has rated Arizona as the #1 state for gun owners. Arizona’s #1 rating is primarily because of what AzCDL has...

Legislative Update

We’re now three weeks into the 2021 Arizona legislation session.  The number of bills filed has climbed to over 1,400.  Key bills that AzCDL is monitoring, and their status, can be found on our Bill Tracking page.  It is updated daily.  The final day for Senators to...

Legislative Update

We’re now two weeks into the 2021 Arizona legislation session.  Over 1,000 bills have been filed.  Key bills, and their status, that AzCDL is monitoring can be found on our Bill Tracking page.  The final day for Senators to file bills is Monday, February 1.  For the...

Legislative Update

The 2021 Arizona Legislative session officially convened on Monday, January 11.  By the end of the first week over 500 bills have been filed.  The final deadline for filing new bills for the Senate is Monday, February 1.  For the House the deadline is Monday, February...

Winning at the Legislature depends on you

The 2021 Arizona legislative session will officially get underway on Monday, January 11.  Key bills that AzCDL monitors during the session will be found at our Bill Tracking page (currently showing 2020 legislation until the new session starts).  Your AzCDL membership...

Second Amendment Rally – February 20

RidersUSA Presents! Arizona's 8th Annual Celebrate & Protect The 2nd Amendment February 20, 2021 'The Second Amendment guarantees that the right of the people to Keep and Bear Arms, shall not be Infringed”    ...

This page only contains recent and/or relevant news. Our members receive the latest news before it’s posted here. The best way to stay informed and get all the news is to Join AzCDL!